Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The New You, in the New Year - Will I Ever Lose the Belly Fat, Attract the Right Man Or Wealth?

I'm sure you have been hearing about losing weight, and sticking to your New Year's resolutions but let me ask you, where are you right now?

Are you still feeling stuck and not sure what to do. On one hand you have the desire, and the other you have your mind pulling you in another direction that is away from your goals.

Imagine having all the tools that you needed to achieve not only the body you wanted like a flat stomach, lean legs, and firm glutes but imagine having an incredible relationship, money,and a sense of feeling good about yourself.

Why is it that so many women do not have the body of their dreams and are not living their life with passion and purpose?

It's because you have spent too much time looking for the next quick fix diet or temporary solution to a lifetime of decisions.

You need to look within yourself to get what you want on the outside. No diet, no get rich quick scheme will do that for you. It is when you work on your inner core, your authentic self that you discover the true potential within yourself. You may have Googled your way into a short term frenzy but the truth be known that the ultimate resources can be found within you.

You simply need to find the right combination to your mind that unlocks your true potential and giving you exactly what you want.

You can achieve anything you want whether it be six pack abs or wealth.

The formula is to know that you are capable and to instill a belief system within yourself that is so great, it's effortless for you to take the necessary action.

There is no such thing as hard work, it is simply putting time and effort into things that you value to get a desired outcome. If you are telling yourself it's hard, then you are not being truthful to yourself.

Ask yourself this question. What makes me different than the woman that is the same age as me that accomplished the body of her dreams, is in a fulfilled relationship, and is living an abundant life?

The answer is she chose to see the outcome that she wanted, instilled a belief system and took action. If you are unsure whether this year you will ever accomplish your goals or maybe it will happen next year then I can tell you, that you will remain where you are at.

Here's what you need to do:

First, get clear on what you want.

Second, find the right mentor, book, or support system.

Third, take action towards your goals every single day.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, & Mind Body Coach
Learn how you can change your body, change your mind, change your life by visiting: http://www.mybodyisfitnow.com

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Years 2010 + 2009 Look Back

Heres the look back at 2009! Most Subs at the End of 2009: Pozjoker The Leading Channel For Early 2009: Jttheunderdog Jttheunderdog's New Channel: ThatJTKid Fastest Promotion Contest: Pointlessness413 Best Designer of Backgrounds: Dahwhatsthepoint515 Oh Look I has had 4 Dark End Dragon: TheFirstHokage6 Never Giving Up For a Shoutout: TheWisconsinGuy Hardest Name for me to remember: yugioooooooh Team spirit award: aznpersuasion2008 dubkdad1 TeamMinoritySPG The Konami Worker: puritydoll Pro ...


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wasabi Peas Have a 1000 Year Shelf-Life

Desiring a quick snack after work the other day, I grabbed a bag of Wasabi Peas and popped a handful into my mouth anticipating the little blast of Wah that comes with them. As I reached for the second handful, I happened to notice the expiration date on the bag. It read, “Best by, 093006.” My mind immediately interpreted those numbers to mean, the month September in the year 3006! And I thought, really I did, “Wow, that’s a shelf life of over 1000 years!”

It only took about 3-seconds for me to recognize the impossibility of that perception. But for those three seconds, my reality reflected the belief that wasabi peas – or at least this bag of them – could last for 1000 years. By about the 5th second I had, accurately this time I think, reinterpreted the numbers to mean September 30th, 2006.

It was a simple mistake, a trick of perception, you might say. And the expiration date of wasabi peas is obviously not a big deal. But what is important is that it got me to pay attention to the ways in which my mind interprets, and often misinterprets the world around me.
I began to wonder how often my perceptions are faulty, and how often those perceptions remain unquestioned?

Here’s another example. I was recently referred to a prospective client whom I called to chat with and set up an initial coaching session. She answered the phone and I introduced myself and told her why I was calling. When she replied, I could immediately tell that something was wrong. My mind, helpful as ever, and without any corroborating evidence, immediately concluded that she did not want to work with me as a coach, and that, in fact, she was downright distraught that I had even called her.

Fortunately, I’ve learned not to trust these assumptions of my mind, and so I jumped right in and asked her if anything was wrong. She told me that a good friend had passed away two days earlier.
I could feel my mind slinking away into the corner like a cartoon character trying to avoid being noticed after doing something really stupid.

Our minds are masters of assumption. More often than not, those assumptions are wrong. And far too often, we accept them without question. It would not have made much difference in my life if I had accepted that wasabi peas have a 1000-year shelf life. But it certainly would have affected me if I had chosen not to question my mind’s assumption about that potential client. If left unquestioned, that perception would have fed directly into my sense of self-worth, ultimately contributing to an internal devaluation.

One faulty perception will not cause great harm, but when multiple, erroneous perceptions are left unquestioned, the effect on your life can be dramatic.

Can you think of times in your life when your mind has misinterpreted a situation? Perhaps someone said something that, without clarification, could have been taken in any number of ways. Perhaps your manager made a comment that caused you to think she was disappointed in your work.

What I want you to do, for the next few days, is to question as many perceptions as possible. From the obvious to the hidden, observe and reevaluate the assumptions of your mind that too often are taken for granted.

When you see a car and perceive it as such, question it. “Is that really a car?” When you catch someone giving you a “look” and find yourself wondering, “what did I do wrong?” question the way you have perceived that look.

Some of your perceptions will true – that car probably will end up being a car – others you will recognize as obviously false, and some will require additional input, perhaps from another person. The point is not whether the perceptions are true or false. The point is to begin questioning the often-unquestioned assumptions of your mind.

Your mind can be a wonderful servant, but a pretty poor master. By questioning its perceptions and assumptions you immediately begin to shift the balance of power away from your mind and back towards your essential nature.

Edward Mills, MIM, is a life coach, teacher and speaker, empowering people to more joyfully and abundantly share their essential gifts with the world. You can sign up for his monthly ezine, Evolving Times, at his website: http://www.edwardmills.com or blog: http://www.evolvingtimes.com

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 is the Year of the Entrepreneur - Are You Ready?

Entrepreneur Magazine says 2010 will be the year of the entrepreneur because unlike a large company we are fluid and flexible and can respond quickly. We're also small and light on our feet since we use Cloud Nine technology to outsource even some of our core systems. And that frees us up to stay fluid, to monitor and respond to the changing moods and needs of our target audience. Between home offices and virtual assistants and tech people from all parts of the world, we can even start up with very little money. The trend now is for friends and family to bankroll a start up. Anything is possible. Your dream can become a reality even now. Especially now.

I hadn't thought of myself in that light before - fluid and flexible, and if I get too bogged down in where I think I should be going I may not be able to see where I could be going.

Are You Light On Your Feet?

I don't play football but I can picture us as holding tightly to the ball and dogging and darting this way and that to make our way toward our goal. We're not on the line - doggedly moving forward because we are big and bulky (no offense meant), instead we are light on our feet, responding quickly to whatever appears before us.

How fluid are you? How often do you thoughtfully examine the changes in your target community? Do you look for their new concerns? Do you think about what keeps them up at night? And do you keep adding skills and look at your talents and passion to see if you can add something to your business that will meet those needs?

Can You Rise to Any Occasion?

Are your business systems fluid? Do you have a VA and an accountant in place ready to move quickly if you need them to do more for you? Have you located a virtual team to meet the needs of new clients as well as your own? Are your own systems set up so that you can quickly add more clients or effectively promote a new telecourse or product? How have you freed yourself up so you can stay creatively tuned into the people you serve?

Is your measuring system in place so you can spot what's working and what isn't and quickly do more of what is working? Do you reevaluate your business every quarter and redirect its course if necessary?

Can You Easily Change Directions?

How flexible are you? One thing I did especially well recently is plan my direction and services for the coming year. I did a lot of thinking and analyzing and I figured out what my community will want from me and I set up some new offerings. I increased the number of courses in my Magnetic Marketing Method Mastery Program. Then I designed a schedule and blocked off time to make it happen. I even know what new information products I will produce. I'm excited about my plan and I'm a bit like a train going rapidly down the track in one direction. So what if something comes along that seems like a better idea? Will I be flexible? Will I fluidly change gears and directions to absorb or accommodate the new idea? I like to think so.

If you keep your attention on the needs of your community you will know when you need to change. When you hear them call you can answer. And if you have your systems in place you will have the time and resources to make it happen.

Are You Carrying the Ball?

If you get too caught up in the details of your business, you can't do your job - the job that says you are the idea person, the one watching the ebb and flow, the one who creates the new programs and services. As the core of your business, you have to be its heartbeat, you have to tune into its rhythm and keep all its working parts going in the same direction.

Are you set up to change directions easily? Do you have the systems in place you need to grow rapidly? More importantly do you have the mind set to respond quickly and even move toward a new goal? Think of yourself as agile, quick, decisive, fluid and flexible. Then you'll be ready to keep up with the changing needs of your community and keep your business in tune with the times. Let's make 2010 rock!

Overwhelmed with great ideas and don't know where to start? Cara Lumen, Your Idea Optimizer will help you turn those ideas into profit. As a Business Coach, Content Developer and Educator she helps you uncover your passion, define your purpose, identify your path, make money from what you already know and attract the people you are meant to serve. But most of all, she helps you believe you can!!! Click here to find out how to turn your wisdom into wealth http://www.caralumen.com

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolution - New Job

With the new year almost upon us, it is a time when many people reflect on their lives and make what has been coined as, "New Years Resolutions." These resolutions range from losing weight to quitting smoking, and lets be honest they are hardly ever met. The great thing about this tradition is that you take time and look at your life and pin point things that make you unhappy and that you want to change. For many people one thing that makes them very unhappy is their job. Unless you are in the military your job typically one area that you can change and should really consider doing if it is the cause of your unhappiness.

Finding a new job can seem like a daunting task, but if you break it down and focus on it, it is really not too difficult. You'll need to first figure out if you like your career path, and if not you might need to retool or reeducate yourself. You will need to find available jobs in your job field that you qualify for, and you will need to write a resume that is laser targeted to that job. Finally you will have to interview for that job, and get hired!

You need to know whether you are dissatisfied with your current job or your career path in general. What I mean is that you have to take a look at what you don't like about your job and realistically compare it to other jobs in your career field. If you have to put up with the same issues that you do not like about your current job, then maybe the career field you have gone into is not right for you. Also you should write down the things you do like about your job so you can use them to find the perfect job opportunity or career that you will be the most happy with. Once you've analyzed if your job or whole career path needs changing then you are going to want to look at reeducating yourself into something new that meets all of the items that you enjoy doing at your current job.

To find available job positions this day and age is pretty simple. You can just go on the Internet and search through many of the job search engines for companies that are looking to fill a vacancy. The only problem with this is that typically the easier the job position is to find, the larger the amount of competition there is for that job. Never really on only one source to find jobs, exhaust all available resources at your disposal. The most powerful way to find jobs with low competition to this day is word of mouth. This means you will want to pick up the phone and call all your old bosses, friends, co-workers, etc and see if they know about a job position that you qualify for and would enjoy. Once you have found the perfect job you will want to tweak your resume to really target that job listing and make it stand out from any one else who is possibly applying.

Last thing to do is to be confident in yourself and nail the interview. Show up on time, be dressed properly, and review popular interview questions before hand. If you do these things you should have no problems at all giving a great interview. Make sure your next year is happier than you last by dropping the job you hate for the one you'll love.

Mark is currently and editor at Spokane Jobs

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Make 2010 Your Best Year Ever

There is something refreshing about wiping the slate clean and starting a new year. And January is that time of year where any goals set are grand and maybe a little over the top.

And it is these grandiose plans that often see us fail to achieve our goals, as they are just too big a step in one go. But it is possible to achieve big goals, if you approach it the right way.

There are five elements required to successfully change any habit and accomplish any goal, regardless how big it may be:

1. Vision

Regardless of what you goal is, you need to have a vision. A vision is a big picture insight into your perfect life, and is ideally what you are striving towards. Sit back and reflect on what you think your perfect life would be like, and write down a few sentences to describe it. This is your vision and your goal setting and new year resolutions need to reflect it.

2. Attitude

You've probably heard a lot about the role of a positive attitude in success and achievement. And it's true - some people have even cured themselves from life threatening diseases against all odds with the power of a positive attitude.

So when working towards your vision, it is important to keep a positive attitude. Focus on the positives and the joy you'll experience when you've achieved your vision, rather than focusing on failures or making excuses for not moving forwards.

Affirmations play a role here. Affirmations are basically a series of positive, reinforcing statements that you repeatedly say to yourself to program your mindset to help you achieve your goals. Affirmations usually are a statement like "I am a successful businessman", rather than "I will become a successful businessman", the theory being that if you repeat the first affirmation enough that your mind thinks you are a successful businessman, then the attitudes and behaviors that go with that success will follow.

Follow the link at the bottom of the find where you'll find lots of free resources, including a free affirmation e-course, if you want to learn more.

3. Time

You need to set aside enough time everyday to work on your goals, and you also need to allow enough timeframe to be able to accomplish them. You can't lose 20kg in 1 week, but if you set aside 30 minutes everyday to exercise as well as eating a healthy diet, you will in time lose your 20kg.

Initially it may seem like a chore, taking time out everyday to work on your goals. But if you don't, how can you possibly achieve them? And the good news is that as you start to make progress towards your end result, you will feel more enthused to continue and taking time to work on your goals won't seem like such a burden.

The hardest thing is taking that first step and gaining the initial momentum. Once you're on a roll, just run with it.

4. Resources

As well as time, you will need resources and tools to achieve your goals. These resources could be in the form of information, a support group, something physical like an exercise bike or money. Whatever the resource or tool required, you need to identify them and how to get them.

Of course, the most important tool you need to develop is an action plan of how you are going to accomplish your goals. What steps do you need to take to get there, and what is your first or next step?

5. Maintenance

The hardest part of achieving any goal is sticking to the plan and remaining committed. It can take time to achieve your goals, and it is easy to get distracted and un-motivated. Maintain your vision and your resolve to progress towards your vision. And probably the best way to do this is to review the above steps regularly to re-motivate yourself and keep you on track.

What is your vision for this year? Whatever it is, be kind to yourself, and make sure that you've considered the above five components of a successful resolution.

You can find out more about how to achieve all your goals and desires by checking out these FREE goal setting tools and resources. You'll also find lots of free advice and tools on a range of self-improvement topics from success to people skills.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Collection GLANCE 2010

New Year Collection GLANCE 2010. Показ новогодней коллекции GLANCE 2010.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Why 2010 Calendars Are a Good Advertising Choice

What does 2010 hold for advertisers? It is a difficult question to answer, especially as the advertising market is changing so much, especially now. With a large migration from traditional TV and radio advertising to internet advertising, it sometimes seems that other forms of advertising fall by the wayside. Developing and designing 2010 calendars, for example, might seem somewhat less forward thinking than other advertising mediums, so this article will look at any advantages that might be gained from it.

Calendars are notable for their static nature - something that many other forms of advertising do not possess. TV adverts, radio adverts - they are all constantly changing, like shifting sands. It could be argued that in 2010, calendars will be one of the most visible ways to advertise. The advantage, some say, of the calendar, is that it can potentially have a year-round presence - something that few, if any, advertising mediums can offer.

The truth is that while people do indeed love their TVs, films, internet and other forms of entertainment - they still also like the glossy look and feel of printed matter. And this is why, in 2010, calendars will still offer a way to grab people's attention over by presenting their favourite images in full colour.

Getting a calendar into someone's office for an entire year - as an object that the recipient actually likes and uses regularly - is an impressive achievement. In some cases that person may even have paid for the calendar, reducing advertising costs. But in most cases, as in previous years, 2010 calendars will be given out free - and everyone loves freebies, especially in a recession. Many people make purchasing decisions after a lengthy period of deliberation, and one way to make someone aware of a new service is by having a given brand constantly in the conscious and subconscious of that potential customer.

But in 2010, calendars will be popular, as they have been for so long, because they fulfil a function as well as being an aesthetically pleasing image on the wall or desk. Knowing the date, or evening being aware of when the month changes, is very important for a lot of people. Writing cheques, dating letters - and perhaps more importantly, making notes about appointments are all prime functions of 2010 calendars - and one that no other device of such simplicity can rival. In terms of advertising longevity, few other advertising mediums can compete. The only drawback is the initial cost, but when compared to the advertising potential of it and how well the calendars' distribution can be targeted, it's a sensible investment and one that offers exceptional return.

Gino Hitshopi is highly experienced in the realm of 2010 calendars, having worked in the calendar development industry for many years. For more information please visit: http://www.rosecalendars.com/