Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 5 Tips for Finding a New Year's Eve Babysitter

Ready to trade those sippy cups for some champagne? Here are our top 5 tips for finding a holiday babysitter in no time!

1. Call now.

A babysitter will probably get many calls for New Year's Eve. Call early in order to mark his or her calendar now.

2. Pay really well.

This is not a time to be cheap. Whatever everyone else is paying babysitters, offer a little more. This will make it worth your sitter's time to clear their schedule and maybe even keep it open for you next time you need a babysitter...or for next New Year's bash.

3. Consider friends with small kids.

If you have friends who also have small children and would rather make some money than go out, just ask them. It may actually make their life easier to have other kids to keep their kids busy and give them some extra money to pay off those extra holiday bills.

4. Let the sitter stay the entire night.

Instead of asking the sitter to stay up until you return at 4 am, offer to pay them to stay over and go home in the morning whenever they are ready. Many sitters prefer not to stay up all night and this gives them that flexibility.

5. Shop the internet...for a local sitter.

Don't forget that you can also use the internet to find a babysitter near you. Online sites, like Sittercity, have great local babysitters and you can search for free before you ever have to sign up.

Beth Howland is a reviewer of parenting products like Sittercity. If you need help finding the right sitter for your family, visit for more information.

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